Friday, January 9, 2009

January 9, 2009

Well, I know it has been a few days since I posted but I have been in College Station for my dad's surgery as well as DYING FROM SORE MUSCLES. LOL

I had Boot Camp this morning. Did I mention I am NOT a runner? Well, it was pretty clear to me this morning....we ran a mile and a half. Did I mention we were carrying THE STUPID LEAD PIPE? Oh my gosh, somebody kill me now! It was the longest mile and a half of my life. My lungs were burning, my shin splints were literally shooting up my legs, and my arms felt like they were going to fall off from carrying the *@&@&@ pipe. Yowzee. Enough on that. Anyway after we ran we did around 120 lunges. Well let me clarify....we were supposed to do 120 lunges. About half of the lunges that I attemped ended with me on the concrete. It was almost comical but I was not laughing at the time. My legs were quivering so badly that they would not physically hold me upright. It. Was. That. Bad.

After the lunge attempt we did around 200 crunches in various directions. Obliques, bent leg, etc. They were completely heinous and if there had been anything in my stomach it probably would have come up.

My stomach.....leads me to the food portion of The Year of Brenda. I am so proud of myself. I have had so many temptations and opportunities for cheating but I have NOT. The last instance was this afternoon at Classical Conversations. I was alone in the kitchen (all the kids were in their classes) with 6 dozen cupcakes. Yowzee. It would be like taking an alcoholic to a bar. I was also stuck in College Station for 2 days without planning on being stuck there. Since I had not planned my food stuff in advance I was left to my own devices. Now normally this is a HUGE problem. I would have said to myself, "This is a special ocassion because my Dad is in the hospital." or "I don't have access to healthy food at the hospital." Blah, blah, blah. Instead I made good choices and I am really proud of myself.

For someone that is a fast-food junkie, I realized how much I had grown to rely on the trusty old drive-through. But I have not eaten anything fried in a week. That is a small victory for me.

I have lost 2 pounds so far. Not as much as I would have liked after 5 days but I'm not complaining. I have got to keep the faith!

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