Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 20, 2009

Brenda is having a bad day today. Not food wise but with my kids. One of them has a sour attitude and a mean spirit today and it may very well drive me to insanity. Okay now I can move on.

Boot camp is almost tolerable now. The 5 am thing isn't as bad as it was the first week. I wouldn't say I am getting used to it but it is easier to wake up and get motivated now then it was then. You would be surprised how many people are up and going at 5 am! There are quite a few joggers and several people on their way to work already.

The food part is going okay. It is not the food I am eating but the quantity of it. I do much better at my house when I have measuring cups and better portion control. Most of the restaurants have their information on www.myfooddiary.com (the tool we are utilizing for Boot Camp) but even when I am done with my meal I find myself picking on leftovers around the table and "bites" of other things that are clearly not on the food calculator! LOL

Victory: I have not eaten a single piece of fried food, dessert, or carbonated beverage (diet or otherwise) in 2.5 weeks. That is awesome! I am really proud of myself. The next temptation will be the cake at Barry's birthday party. If I can resist that I can do anything!

I am so thankful to Sherry (my Boot Camp buddy) as well as several other friends and family that are praying for me DAILY. It humbles me beyond anything I can put into words to know that I have some brothers and sisters in Christ who are lifting me up to the Father who knows exactly what I need, especially on days when I don't want to get up, or the thermometer says something insane like 34! Thank you all so much!

So this morning I weighed 230.6. That means I will be saying goodbye to the 230's sometime this week. I will NEVER be there again. I will have to do something symbolic like burn the #23 or something LOL. I am giddy at the thought of having my weight begin with a "1". That hasn't happened since a few kids ago. Even when I was on my Phentermine I may have dipped down below 200 but only for a few minutes. :) It all came back on so much faster then I lost it.

Well I am off to school these young 'uns. Even the one with the sourpuss attitude today. I think he and I are gonna go hug for awhile and start all over. Thank you God that your mercies are new every morning.....and sometimes we need those new mercies every hour. What a mighty God we serve!

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