Tuesday, January 6, 2009

January 6, 2008

Okay I know you are not supposed to weigh everyday but whatever I did, okay!? I weighed 238.4 this morning. I will take that. Almost a pound down from the day before. No flaming me about weighing every day cuz I will just stick my tongue out at you. :)

Casey the Crazy Trainer told us to also work out on Tues-Thurs-Sat. He actually told us to run but I said, "Do you mean walk?" He said walking was okay as long as it was powerwalking. Well that is pretty funny considering I can barely lower myself up and down off the toilet. I did my best and walked 1.3 miles on the treadmill this afternoon. I turned the treadmill around to face the TV and watched Napoleon Dynamite. It was, as Martha Stewart would say, a good thing. It got my muscles warmed up and I wasn't as sore as I was before I started.

The food part is going okay but honestly, healthy eating isn't rocket science, ya know? Guess what? If you don't eat junk food and don't eat massive amounts of food you will probably lose weight. LOL If only it were that easy. For someone that is as accustomed to grabbing a handful of chips a few times a day (or whatever the easiest food is) as she is breathing, healthy eating requires a lot of diligence. I find myself stopping halfway to my mouth several times a day. It is almost like an instinct. Today I made the kids carrots and a sandwich for lunch. HOWEVER we had leftover pizza from the other night and I told them they could each have a slice. Guess how many pieces of pizza were leftover? Yep, 4....4 stinkin' pieces. Why couldn't there have been 3 pieces for my 3 kids. And did I mention I made brownies last weekend? I made a huge pan and thoroughly enjoyed them all weekend prior to the beginning of The Year of Brenda :) but there was still a LOT leftover.

I don't think I am drinking enough water. I need to fill up all 3 of my new Rubbermaid water bottles every morning and drink them all every day. That would give me 96 ounces of water. Technically for my weight I am supposed to drink 115 ounces. I don't include natural liquid from foods, coffee, etc. so I think I will get there if I just focus on drinking those 3 water bottles. If you ever see my out and about and I DON'T have my water bottle with me feel free to give me a "You could have had a V-8!" slap on the forehead. LOL

Well, I need to get ready for bed. My new bedtime is 10 pm sharp. I miss Bill O'Reilly. He and I have had such a love affair for so many years. I bet he misses me too LOL. I am picking Sherry up at 4:45 and then after Boot Camp and I am showering and then the kids and I are hitting the road for College Station. My dad is having back surgery. If you see this email before 7:30 am on Wednesday morning please pray for him (although the surgery is 4-5 hours long so if you see this before 12:30 please feel free to lift him up as well then).

I just printed out my food log from www.myfooddiary.com (the coolest website ever!) for Monday and Tuesday. I have to present it to Casey at every Boot Camp or I have to do some crazy punishment involving rolling a 75 pound tire up a hill. I think I will just bring it with me LOL. Oh, another thing about the My Food Diary website. It calculates everything for you and then tells you "If every day were like today, you would reach your goal on _____" and then calculates the day you would make your goal weight. It is quite inspirational. We will see how much I like it in a few months when I am really hard core into The Year of Brenda. :)

In case you were wondering, I didn't have any pizza or brownies. :) That is a huge victory for me. Baby steps, Brenda....baby steps. :)

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