Friday, January 30, 2009

January 30, 2009

Well, I did it! I have stuck with an exercise plan for an ENTIRE MONTH! That is the longest I have stuck with exercising in....well....since high school swim season!

I am about 10 pounds lighter and 16" smaller. 1" from my waist and 3" from my hips....I will DEFINITELY take that!

Another goal that I have met: I have not eaten ice cream or anything fried in 1 month! Today I had a 2 point Weight Watchers ice cream cup at an ice cream party at our local homeschool group. It was around 100 calories and I did report it on my My Food Diary. But normally I eat REAL ice cream (Baskin Robbins or DQ) almost weekly. And I used to eat fast food 1-2 times. But NO FRIED FOOD for a month! That is awesome.

So those are the things that I have done well. Then there are things I need to work on:
-Drinking more water on non-Boot Camp days. I seem to do fine on Boot Camp days since I get 32 ounces during Boot Camp and then slam the rest of it usually by noon or so. But for some reason the other days I do not get my water in and I know how important it is!
-NO CHEATING! Wednesday night I ate 2 cups of Chex Mix with 2 spoonfuls of M&Ms. Why? I don't know! Because my God's Girls made it for me and it was calling to me! I was so mad afterwards. Old habits are so frustrating!
-I need a better workout on non-Boot Camp days. This week I have fought a sore throat ALL week so I came up with lots of excuses. I need to drag myself onto my treadmill and JUST DO IT.

I haven't lost any weight this week and that has been pretty frustrating. But I know the scale is evil and sometimes hangs on to weight (I think Satan might live in my scale!) and then 2 pounds will just fall off in one day. I don't understand and don't begin to try but it is frustrating nonetheless.

I also want to say a big thank you to my friends and family. You all have been so supportive and you have no idea how much that means. I don't like people that are high maintenance friends and I hope that your support can someday be returned to help you achieve a goal. But it is, after all....THE YEAR OF BRENDA! Just kidding--I know many of you are on a similar journey!

I also have an amazing husband who wants me to succeed and that has been great. Did you see I have my own Facebook Group and Flair? How awesome is that? Many of you may not know that 2 years ago my sister-in-law walked out on Barry's brother very suddenly and without much warning. Brett says it is because she lost 60# and then felt like she needed to "explore her options". I guess that just goes to show that weight loss (and gain!) can play with people's minds as well as their pant size. I think it is worth considering that this journey is not all physical....there are certainly some mental roadblocks and I am starting to work through some of them. I'm not saying that Barry is worried about anything crazy like that but this weight loss thing has pretty much consumed my life--I go to bed really early (I'll leave it at that!), I'm crabby because I am craving foods that have comforted me for many many years, and eating is a social event and I am not being as social as I typically am because I don't really feel like hanging out in a restaurant with friends. All that to say that I am not really myself; I'm still getting the hang of all of this and am so thankful to be married to an amazing man that loves me through all kinds of emotions and helps me sort through them and keeping me level-headed. I love you Barry!


  1. 1. The Devil does live in the scale:)

    2. I am so proud of you. You Rock! You are an amazing example for me and my girls. I am so honored and blessed that you can be part of our lives!

  2. Girl, you are truly amazing and I sooooo know what you mean about the water on workout days. I down 4 bottles of water by morning snack but the other days my throat is so dry I can't stand it.

    Maybe instead of Sunday night dinners we should do Sunday afternoon park days! The kids act like they're at a park in the resturant while we talk anyways! You're more important to me than any food!

    You are an inspiration and I'm proud to have you helping me raise my kiddos and being my friend and you are absolutely 100% NOT NOT NOT high maintenance, that would be some crazy friend who has five kids but decided to go to nursing school at one of the most intense programs in the world :-) Love ya! Keep it up!
